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RCmag :: Voir le sujet - chargeur Hitec X4 AC Plus 4 Port ACDC Multi-Charger 44167
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RCmag Index du Forum » Les batteries et chargeurs

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chargeur Hitec X4 AC Plus 4 Port ACDC Multi-Charger 44167
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Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
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MessagePosté le: 12.12.2011, 13:34:28    Sujet du message: chargeur Hitec X4 AC Plus 4 Port ACDC Multi-Charger 44167 Répondre en citant

chargeur Hitec X4 AC Plus 4 Port ACDC Multi-Charger 44167

We raised the bar on the X4 and equipped it with a built-in AC power supply. Our new X4 AC Plus, has four-port computer controlled capability with a built-in 22 amp power supply which can be powered by standard 120 volt AC household current. Simple to use and utterly reliable, this compact charger with battery management and integral balancer features four identical and independent 50-watt power outputs, for a total output power of 200 watts. Each port of the X4 AC Plus can handle up to a 6S Lithium pack, 15 NiCd/NiMH cells or 6-12 volt lead acid batteries. Four individual balancing ports eliminate the need for a separate balancer when charging Lithium batteries. Its twin fan cooling system with an internal sensor for controlling fan speed provides the utmost in efficiency and safety. The X4 AC Plus can accept a variety of power inputs including the option of attaching it to a 12-volt car battery or a 11–15 volt (20 amp minimum) DC power supply.

The Hitec X4 AC Plus charger offers a complete charging solution for novice and expert RC enthusiasts alike. The multi-tasking versatility of this new charger makes it a perfect fit for nitro and electric modelers, regardless of what you drive, hover, float or fly.

Stock# 44167: Hitec X4 AC Plus AC/DC Four-Channel Multi-Charger

Input Requirements: 100-120V AC or 12 - 15 Volts DC, 20 Amp Minimum
Download the Manual HERE
Charging Specifications


Optimized Operating Software
The software in X4 AC Plus automatically controls the current rate during the charging or discharging process. This feature can prevent the user from overcharging their batteries which could lead to damage or injury. If the charger detects a malfunction, the circuit automatically disconnects and an alarm will sound, The operating functions of the X4 AC Plus are controlled through a two-way communication link in order to maintain maximum safety with minimal errors. All of these functions and settings are easily configured by the user.

Internal Independent Lithium Battery Balancers
Each channel of the X4 AC Plus employs an individual-cell voltage balancer eliminating the need for an external balancer for balance charging.

Balancing Individual Cells during Battery Discharging
During the process of discharging, the X4 AC Plus can monitor and balance each cell of the lithium battery individually. If the voltage of any single cell is abnormal, an error message will display and the discharge process will automatically end.

Charges Most Popular Lithium Batteries
The X4 AC Plus is compatible with the three most common Lithium chemistry batteries, Li-Ion, LiPo and LiFe

Multiple Lithium Battery Charge Modes
The X4 AC Plus's programming allows for Fast Charge, Balance Charge or Storage Charge Modes for LiPo, Li-Ion, and LiFe batteries.

* Fast Charge Mode: Reduces charging time, but does not balance the cells, this mode only charges the battery to approximately 90% capacity.
* Balance Charge Mode: Monitors individual cell voltage, keeping the cells within an acceptable voltage range and charges the pack to peak capacity.
* Storage Charge Mode: Used for long-term battery storage. Adjusts the voltage level so the battery will not be damaged during long term storage.

Delta Peak Technology for Maximum Safety
The automatic charge termination program utilizes Delta-Peak voltage detection. When the battery's voltage exceeds the threshold, the charge process is terminated automatically.

Automatic Charging Current Limit
The maximum charge rate can be manually set when charging NiCd or NiMH batteries. The X4 AC Plus will auto-detect when the batteries are fully charged and shut off, even with low impedance NiMH packs.

Capacity and Processing Time Limit
The charging capacity is calculated as the charging current multiplied by time. If the charging capacity exceeds the maximum limit set by the user, the process will terminate automatically. Additionally the user can set the maximum amount of charging time. If the charging time exceeds this limit, the process will terminate automatically.

Temperature Threshold
The battery's internal chemical reaction causes the temperature of the battery to rise during the charging process. If the temperature exceeds the limit, the charging process will automatically terminate.
* This function is available by connecting an optional temperature probe, which is not included in our package.

5 User Customizable Presets Per Channel
The X4 AC Plus features 5 individually customizable presets so the user can store the charge and discharge parameters for any particular battery type. These presets can be recalled for the desired battery type without the need for any additional programming.

Cyclic Charging / Discharging
Batteries can be set to automatically Charge/Discharge or Discharge/Charge up to a maximum of 5 cycles.

PC Based Analysis Using USB Communication*
The Hitec X4 AC Plus offers a PC-based program which can analyze the characteristics of the battery via a USB port. It shows a graph of voltage, current and capacity curves. It also displays the individual voltage of each cell in the lithium battery pack.
* A PC-LINK USB adaptor can be purchased separately.

chez T2M
T1237 Black Wizard Quattro

Tension d’entrée de 11 à 18V DC ou 220/240V 330W AC
- Adapté aux batteries de modèles Outdoor et Indoor
- Taille compacte pour un transport aisé.
- Charge des batteries NiCd / NiMH de 1 à 15 éléments (Delta Peak) et Li-Ion / Li-Po / Li-Fe de 1 à 6 éléments et Plomb de 2 à 20V.
- Courant de charge réglable de 0,1 A à 6 A par pas de 100 mA (DC 50 Watt/sortie).
- Courant de décharge réglable de 100 mA à 1 A (par pas de 100 mA).
- Courant de charge d’entretien automatique de 0 mA à 200 mA.
- Tension de fin de décharge réglable par pas de 0,1 V.
- Détection de fin de charge par Delta Peak (NiCd et NiMh).
- Charge type Courant Constant/Tension Constante (Li Ion/Li-Po/Li-Fe et Pb).
- Mode Cycle (Décharge/Charge ou Charge/Décharge) 5 cycles au total.
- 4 afficheurs LCD 2 lignes de 16 caractères rétro-éclairé à lisibilité parfaite.
- Fonctionnement contrôlé par microprocesseur.
- Protections : tensions d’entrée incorrectes, connections déficientes et inversions de polarités en entrée et sortie.
- Ventilateur intégré.
- 4 équilibreurs d’éléments Li-Po intégrés assurant la protection de chaque cellule Li-Po durant la charge avec unetolérance de 5 mV (en charge ou en décharge). Courant d’équilibrage max 300 mA.
- 4 ports pour sondes de températures (non incluses)
- Connections de prises d’équilibrages universelles

autre chargeur Hitec X1 AC Plus Battery Charger 44165

Whoever said you can't take it with you? Our new X1 AC Plus battery charger goes everywhere you go. Capable of charging all battery types, this charger is the affordable and portable answer to keeping your batteries charged and ready for action. The 50-watt X1 AC Plus will charge all your batteries at rates from 0.1 to 6 amps, using either 11-18V DC or 100-240V AC power sources. Designed to charge NiMH, NiCd, LiPo, LiFe, Li-Ion and Lead-based batteries, the X1 AC Plus is the perfect charging solution for your RC hobby. Drivers and pilots alike will appreciate its price and relish in its dependability.
Special Features

Optimized Operating Software
The X1 "auto" function sets the charge and discharge current for you automatically, preventing overcharging which can damage your battery. In the event of an error, the X1 instantly disconnects the circuit and sounds an alarm once. This feature can be set by the user and controlled through the two-way link for maximum safety and minimizes these type of problems.

Internal Independent Lithium Battery Balancer
The X1 features a built-in a cell voltage balancer so you don’t need to fuss with external balancers while charging.

Balancing Individual Cells Battery Discharging
The X1 also monitors and balances each cell in the pack individually while discharging. If the voltage of any single cell is abnormal, the X1 will display an error message and the process will end automatically.

Adaptable To Various Types Of Lithium Batteries
The X1 will charge and discharge a variety of Lithium batteries, such as Li-ion, LiPo and the new LiFe series of batteries.

Fast and Storage Mode Of Lithium Batteries
The X1 features two styles of charging. "Fast" charge reduces the charge duration while "Store" controls the final voltage of your battery, to optimize your packs for long term storage and maximum lifespan.

Maximum Safety
Our delta-peak voltage detection program ends the charge cycle whenever a battery's voltage exceeds the set threshold.

Automatic Charging Current Limit
Charging current can set by the user when charging NiCd or NiMH batteries. The 'AUTO' charging mode, however, is recommended when charging NiMH batteries with low impedance and capacity.

Capacity and Temperature Limits
The charge process will terminate if either the charging capacity or battery temperature exceeds the limit set by the user. Temperature function requires an optional temperature probe, which is not included with the X1.

Processing Time Limit
Protect your battery by setting a maximum time limit for charging and discharging.

Input Power Monitoring
The X1's input voltage is monitored to protect the battery from becoming damaged. The process ends automatically if it drops below the limit.

Data Store/Load
A maximum of five setting profiles can be stored for your convenience. The X1 will store the data pertaining to a program's settings and you can call up data at anytime.

Cyclic Charging/Discharging
A battery can be cycled 1 to 5 times. This process is good for refreshing and balancing your battery.
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