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RCmag :: Voir le sujet - JQ TheCAr WHITE version team / the100 nouveau
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RCmag Index du Forum » TT 1/8 JQ Products

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JQ TheCAr WHITE version team / the100 nouveau
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 11/09/2006
Messages: 9909

MessagePosté le: 28.12.2015, 22:26:02    Sujet du message: JQ TheCAr WHITE version team / the100 nouveau Répondre en citant

THE JQRacing THECar Factory White Edition is a unique opportunity to purchase exactly the same car that the team runs while supplies last.
You get all the option parts listed below, already in the kit, and not only that, this kit includes some yet to be released parts, as well!
Furthermore, people buying any version of this Factory Edition kit will have the right to purchase future prototype parts during 2016, used for testing and improving the car for the World Championships in October.
This includes unique prototype 3mm chassis, as well as upper arms.

This Factory Edition of THECar includes the following:
•A: Option of purchasing the car, REDS R7, 2104 Pipe, Savöx 1272 × 2.
•B: Option of purchasing the car only.
•C: Option of purchasing the car + Reds R7 and 2104 Pipe.
•D: Option of purchasing the car + Savöx 1272 × 2.

Full options include:

1. Personalized Factory Edition Chassis Logo.
2. JQRacing 2016 Factory Team Hat.
3. Factory Team Sticker Sheet and Wing Skin by Maugrafix
4. Full set of AKA Tyres of your choice.
5. The following option parts:
•JQB0372 THE JQRacing Driveshaft Pair L 90.5mm WE Front (Replaces medium)
•JQB0370 THE JQRacing Hard Front Arms (WE)
•JQB0371 THE JQRacing Hard Rear Arms (WE)
•JQB0175/JQB0287 THE JQRacing CNC Servo Saver Top (Choice of Gold or Black)
•JQB0198/JQB0350 THE JQRacing CNC High Wingmount L (Choice of Gold or Black)
•JQB0197/JQB0349 THE JQRacing CNC High Wingmount R (Choice of Gold or Black)
•JQS0036 THE JQRacing Even Smoother Gearing Set (Replaces other gearing)
•JQB0295 THE JQRacing CNC Th Servo Arm Savox 25X (WE) (ONLY if you buy servos)
•JQB0094 THE JQRacing CNC St Servo Arm 25t (ONLY if you buy servos)
•Yet to be released 2016 updated and improved parts.

6. The right to purchase unique, not publicly available prototype parts, including a 3mm chassis, long rear brace, and upper arms, and be part of developing the car, for as long as you race JQRacing.

In 2016, JQRacing is finally in a position to start THE100, and by purchasing this product, you automatically qualify.

“What exactly are we doing? That’s a good question.
There are many different ways to look at this program, and the reasons for doing it. I want to try to explain the reasons we decided to do this. When trying to come up with a descriptive slogan for THE100, after some time breaking down the program to its core, figuring out what we are actually doing, it just became obvious: ”Sharing Our Passion”. My passion is racing. Not RC Cars, but racing. I love trying to better myself and my vehicles so ultimately one day I can win a championship. This is what drives me. When I am too old and slow to ever have a chance to win myself, I will try to make sure someone else wins with my car. This is my passion. I know that there are other people out there with similar passions. Everyone is not going to start their own RC Car company, design their own race car, and try to win with it, so this is a good way, to find those people, and share our passion. THE100 is a way for you, to get involved in race car development, and the hard work of trying to become the best. Whatever your passion is, we hope that you will be able to apply it through THE100, innovation, graphic design, producing videos, photography, racing at the highest level, whatever you want to do, it has a place in THE100. One day we hope to have the best company, with the best products and team of people working on them. Some of you may end up actually working for us, some of you may become team drivers, but the reason for us doing this, should not be the expectation of receiving something as a reward. The reason is simply that we love what we do.”

For more details, and to purchase your very own, click the appropriate link below!

•Europe Customers | CLICK HERE
Reporteur universel - Adore les planches,JQ,les petites marques et les petites femmes xxx Anti-UE

Dernière édition par speedy2
Modérateur le 29.12.2015, 12:21:36; édité 6 fois
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 11/09/2006
Messages: 9909

MessagePosté le: 28.12.2015, 22:26:19    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

EU 699 euro prix max -% pour les pilotes team
Reporteur universel - Adore les planches,JQ,les petites marques et les petites femmes xxx Anti-UE
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