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RCmag :: Voir le sujet - A319 Performance
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RCmag Index du Forum » TT 1/8 Agama

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A319 Performance
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Inscrit le: 11/04/2012
Messages: 517

MessagePosté le: 19.03.2021, 13:50:11    Sujet du message: A319 Performance Répondre en citant


The AGAMA A319P is the next evolution of the Agama A319 Nitro Platform, the constant drive for development and performance has culminated in the A319 Performance!

The Performance edition of the A319 nitro buggy includes the following developments and upgrades:

New Drivetrain:
43/13 Diff and Pinion Gearing matched up with a 47T spur gear and 13T clutch bell. We have tested all variations of gearing and this has been a clear winner in all areas, the performance advantage was evident along with increased drivetrain efficiency and durability.

NEW Aluminium 17.5 Degree 7075 Caster Block:
A 17.5 Degree Aluminium caster block is now included in the kit. The best steering balance, steering consistency and durability on all track conditions.

Centre Diff Engine Mount Chassis Stiffener:
This team favourite part is now included in the kit, a 7075 CNC engine mount and centre diff stiffener. With its machined design and centre chassis alignment it significantly increases clutch bell and spur life without compromising on lateral chassis flex.

LMR FT Bodyshell:
The LMR Full Thrust Body shell with its striking design and enhanced aerodynamics made it an obvious choice body for the A319P.


BETA Wing:
With market leading performance, popularity and durability the BETA Wing is included in the A319P.
The Beta rear wing provides increased rear end consistency and makes the car easier to drive.

Domed Droop Screw:
9410 Droop Screws prolong the life of your chassis whilst offering easy and quick adjustment from the top of the screw.

Springs - Black/Yellow:
A slightly softer stock spring has been chosen for the A319P, for more mechanical grip and ease of driving straight out of the box.

Machined Shock Pistons:
8 Hole 1.2MM Front Pistons and 8 Hole 1.3mm Rear Pistons have been selected for the A319P. Matched with the softer springs these pistons have been excelling in all conditions.

7075 Servo Mount:
This item has been chosen to stiffen the stock radio tray for reduced flex even in the most gruelling track and weather conditions.


Solid Steel Brake Disk:
The solid steel machined brake disk gives the most consistent brake feel whilst benefitting from its wider contact area over the centre diff outdrive increasing the life and durability over the stock item.

Hard Graphite Diff Cases:
HD graphite diff cases increase the time between rebuilds and offer an easy leak free experience, A team favourite.


AGAMA A319 Overview:

The AGAMA A319 nitro platform is the culmination of years of design, development and dedication with over 50 years of racing experience and it is set to push the field of 1/8th nitro racing.
The A319 buggy platform takes all of the great attributes that is synonymous with the Agama brand, high quality materials and forward thinking designs.
When the A319 buggy was on the drawing table there were key changes to be achieved and this has all come together in a superb platform !
The ease of maintenance on the buggy has been hugely improved along with the ease of driving at a fast pace !

The buggy Features and Designs are listed below:

- Chassis:
The A319 and A319P buggy chassis plate features a new shape at the front and rear, the rear has more torsional flex whilst still remaining longitudinally stiff, the front of the chassis has also been more angled to offer better clearance from the tyre at full lock as well as more roll clearance in long sweeping turns. The chassis is also narrower to provide a lower overall weight whilst keeping the overall width and driving characteristics associated with that. The chassis also no longer has the holes in the bottom of it, because the gearboxes are now mounted higher.

- Radio Tray
The A319 platform radio tray makes for better servo position, more room in the boxes for all of the electrical equipment as well as a quicker and easier removal of the radio tray and servo.

- Split centre diff mount
A split centre diff mount is now used, the diff is now rotated with the spur to the back.

- Lightweight one piece rear wing mount
A lightweight one piece wing mount has been utilised it offers more durability and a lower centre of gravity whilst also allowing for more tuning options with a range of height adjustment where it mounts to the rear shock tower.

- Shock towers
With the new front and rear geometry, new shock towers have been used that give the optimum shock length for all conditions and the new rear tower has the various wing mount height holes.

- Wishbones hangers
New A/B/C/D blocks are used on the buggy they offer updated roll centre and anti squat positions more optimised for the new geometry that is presented throughout the new buggy.

- Steering Posts
New longer steel steering posts are used, this is for compatibility with the new raised front gearbox and steering assembly.

- Steering Top Plate
A new composite steering top plate as been produced in line with the new steering post positions on the chassis plate as well as the new raised front gearbox.

- Chassis Braces
A319 chassis braces are used with a single chassis mounting point on both the front and rear, a secondary rear brace is also included in the box for a further reduction in chassis flex.

-Chassis side Guards
The chassis side guards have a new shape and height for better protection from the ingress of damp and dust and they will now fit the new chassis shape. They also now use a wraparound design for even better protection in all racing conditions.

-Steering Plates
New steering plates are used to change the Ackerman of the buggy, making it easier to driver and more rotation on low speed and smoother at high speed.
Lucas .S
Agama Team
Ligue 13 ARCC
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Inscrit le: 11/04/2012
Messages: 517

MessagePosté le: 19.03.2021, 13:52:35    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Disponible en pre commande chez RC models team

Version nitro :

Version brushless :
Lucas .S
Agama Team
Ligue 13 ARCC
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Inscrit le: 20/05/2015
Messages: 276
Localisation: NONGLARD - ANNECY

MessagePosté le: 19.03.2021, 20:45:39    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sympa ,

Perso je veux juste ceci >
Domed Droop Screw:
9410 Droop Screws prolong the life of your chassis whilst offering easy and quick adjustment from the top of the screw.

à monter sur mon Kyosho Wink
TEKNO Eb48 2.1
KYOSHO MP9e ( version Tki4 )
YOKOMO Yz2 & Yz4
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Inscrit le: 28/10/2005
Messages: 1892

MessagePosté le: 20.03.2021, 19:06:47    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On notera que les nouveaux Bullit seront fabriqués, visiblement, par Hudy Wink
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Inscrit le: 12/11/2006
Messages: 1138
Localisation: Pont sur yonne (89)

MessagePosté le: 16.04.2021, 19:58:54    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Oui le Bullitt F-225 sera une base FX
CAV Viglain
Rc Models Team
Agama A319P/A319PE/bullitt/6mik
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